As a CEO, manager or team leader, you will assume a variety of challenging roles on a daily basis. It is worthwhile to look at these from the outside and reflect on them from time to time. That is what executive coaching is for. After all, not only your employees need reflection, understanding and motivation.
Take a step back and analyse together with me what constitutes your current leadership role, which facets of it you possibly no longer identify with and what goals you would like to achieve in the next step. We will focus equally on your personality, including your interests, feelings, social and professional competencies, and on your organisation and your team.
This is about leading people with attitude, not with affectation. With inner clarity, you will become a compass for your employees. You will find the key to such clarity in the solutions that you yourself develop in the coaching process. For only authenticity will lead to a clear attitude and, thus, to success.
He (or she) who is aware of wanting to achieve something has already achieved a lot. Executive coaching is not about presenting you with solutions. Rather, we discover them in a mutual process. Your personal background, your individual experience, and your knowledge interact as you approach the kind of leadership personality that suits you.
In my coaching practice, I combine psychological theories, business and leadership models with practical methods. In addition, Gestalt therapy techniques, behaviourist methods and systemic approaches are used. Working with metaphors is a good way of rendering the context more easily recognisable.
My goal is to create an atmosphere that allows my clients to develop new ideas and a new behaviour on their own. I use a wide range of coaching approaches and methods from my many years of professional practice – always tailored to the individual situation. Of fundamental importance to me is a holistic view of the personality and its environment.